
Eid Hearts: Hadiya’s Mission of Kindness

Once upon a time, in a bustling neighborhood of a sprawling city, lived a small girl named Hadiya. With Eid ul-Fitr approaching, excitement was in the air, and Hadiya could hardly contain her joy. The city was adorned with lights, and the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of festive delicacies. Amidst the celebrations, Hadiya noticed something that piqued her curiosity. While she and her family were preparing for Eid, there were many who wouldn’t be celebrating with their loved ones. She saw workers in her neighborhood, far away from their families, toiling even on Eid day to make ends meet.

Moved by this realization, Hadiya decided to do something special for them. With Eid being a time of sharing and caring, she wanted to ensure that these hardworking individuals felt the warmth and joy of the festival too. She shared her thoughts with her mother, who was deeply touched by her daughter’s empathy and immediately supported her noble cause.

Together, they embarked on a heartwarming mission. Hadiya’s mother, a skilled cook, decided to prepare Sheer Khurma, a traditional Eid dessert known for its rich, creamy texture and delightful sweetness, symbolizing the sweetness of life. Hadiya watched eagerly as her mother skillfully mixed the vermicelli with milk, sugar, and a generous helping of dried fruits and nuts, infusing the kitchen with an aroma that promised joy and festivity.

Meanwhile, Hadiya set to work on the Eid cards. With each card, she poured her heart into creating something unique, drawing Eid moons, stars, and even little sketches of Sheer Khurma bowls. On each card, she wrote heartfelt Eid greetings, wishing them joy, prosperity, and peace. Her mother helped her with some of the more intricate designs and together, they created beautiful, heartfelt Eid cards.

The morning of Eid arrived, and Hadiya, dressed in her Eid finest, set out with her mother, carrying the warm, delicious Sheer Khurma and the handmade Eid cards. Their first stop was the construction site near their home, where several workers were on duty despite the festive day. The surprise and joy in the eyes of the workers as Hadiya handed them the cards and the Sheer Khurma were indescribable. Their faces lit up with smiles, and for a moment, the distance from their families seemed a little less daunting.

Hadiya’s little heart swelled with happiness as she saw the impact of her small gesture. The workers thanked her and her mother, blessing her with all their hearts. They shared stories of their families back home and how much they missed them, making Hadiya realize the true essence of Eid – it was more than just a celebration; it was about community, sharing, and bringing joy to others, no matter how small the gesture.

As the day came to an end, Hadiya lay in bed, reflecting on the events of the day. She had learned a valuable lesson – that the joy of Eid was amplified when shared, and even a small act of kindness could touch hearts and bring smiles to faces. Her mother, too, felt a deep sense of pride in her daughter’s empathy and thoughtfulness, hopeful that Hadiya would carry forward this spirit of giving and compassion.

That Eid, Hadiya not only shared Sheer Khurma and Eid cards but also shared happiness and a sense of belonging, making it one of the most memorable Eids for everyone involved. And thus, a new tradition was born in Hadiya’s family, one that promised to spread joy and warmth every Eid, one card, and one bowl of Sheer Khurma at a time.

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